He Is A Danger To The Plan

I have always been aware of trouble. I can't see around corners and my dentist can tell you that I am not always right. I get my ass kicked from time to time. - Allston

100% Serial Fiction - Trouble And Money By Michael Lee
100% Serial Fiction - Trouble And Money By Michael Lee

New York, New York

Yeung Bao had to make decisions now. Time was running out. His life and the lives of his family in China dangled as motivators. 

The first thing Yeung did was hire a pair of surveillance pros. The dim lighting in the food court was enough for reading the two reports in front of him. 

Yeung's glasses were perched at the end of his sweaty nose as he shook a bit. He must not get this wrong. 

The two graduate students  from Boston University had long been employees of the MSS.  Three years ago they were given cash for small favors like going into university offices at night and looking for specific research reports and files. 

Last summer they were offered "Internships" in The SAR, the Special Administrative Region Of the People's Republic Of China.In Hong Kong they could keep their western ways while being schooled in tradecraft and the modern spy equipment the MSS employs in the field.

The summer was an eye opener to them, and they returned to Boston with two agents who were now their wives.

Yeung thought of them as bright and capable and they have served China well. He didn't know if they liked their assigned wives. Yeung had heard that the two men were gay. He allowed himself to smile and laugh just a bit.

The two were briefed with just enough information about what they were expected to do and they did it.

Two days ago they placed two small advanced cameras a distance from the target house.

They then watched live from a hotel about six miles away. In 48 Hours there were only two vehicles that came and went. One pick up truck was driven by a man and the other vehicle, a large SUV was driven by a woman.

The only time anyone came out of the house and walked anywhere happened two times at the same time. 0430. The man would come out of the house with a dog and on both occasions he returned with a cup of coffee about 45 minutes later.

This was consistent in a two day sample which is small when analyzing POL (Patterns Of Life) but it was all he had time for. 

The other person, the woman left the house on both occasions at 0600.

She got into the SUV and on both days returned near 1900. The man with the dog made a few departures on day one but returned both times before the woman got home. On the second day he never left the home.

The second report was about the two inhabitants of the home.  

Yeung supposed that swaths of data were mined once they had the address of the home where the computer he needed was emitting a signal. They had the registration information for the two vehicles.

PLA Unit 61398, a Chinese army hacking unit was unparalleled at compiling large amounts of data on any targeted individual. He had the full reports on the man in the house and the woman. This included financial data, college transcripts and address of known relatives.

As he read the report about Thomas Allston Yeung got nervous. Yeung immediately realized that this man was dangerous to The Plan.

The target was raised in Connecticut not far from Yeung's American family home.

After high school Mr. Allston enlisted as an American Soldier in the Marines. Yeung thought about this.

In China all young people start drilling for military service in middle school. This was yet another reason why The Plan will succeed. Americans are fat from playing video games and not looking forward. They will not be able to handle what is coming.

This man was different he volunteered for hardship duty.

After his enlistment was done Allston went to Boston College.

After graduation Allston made a curious move. He joined the Police Force in Norfolk, VA.

Three years later his service in Virginia stopped and Allston moved to an area North Of Boston.  

He was married but is now divorced.

Allston owns a company that according to the website specializes in surveillance, protection, and undercover work.

The financial records indicate that Mr. Allston is a successful millionaire at least three times over. Why does he live like a poor man? His home is a dump even by Chinese standards thought Yeung.

Evelynn Marie Crowder was the woman in the house. She was raised in Nashville, Tennessee, in the American south. She went to college in Massachusetts then worked in the financial industry for seven years.  

She now owns a trendy coffee shop bakery and is almost a millionaire as of this report.

Yeung thought about this for a few minutes.

These are two independent people, who are educated and both tossed aside their initial roles in life to do what they want?

This is not heard of in China.

Yeung decided there were two ways to go at the target. He knew this man was dangerous to what he needed to do. But Yeung had unlimited resources.

He held his head down for ten minutes, then looked up and made a decision.