The Tennessee - Kentucky Connection

There is never a shortage of Jealousy and crocodile tears in Hollywood.

Trouble And Money
Trouble And Money

The Cardinal And The Jack - Cambridge, Massachusetts

Of course, Eve and Natalie Leuze hit it off right away.

First, they grew up in states that border each other. 

They each noted how similar they looked: dark hair, blue eyes, and strong jawlines that hinted at some Native American heritage. 

A single father raised Eve, and a single mother raised Natalie. 

Natalie invited Eve to sit with her, and within five minutes, they were giggling and talking like schoolgirls.

Eve took Natalie's hand and held it firm while she told the story of getting stabbed in the diner parking lot in Maine. They both cried.

Eddie had taken over service at the back of the house table. 

He kept the cups full of coffee and laid down a plate of croissants and fruit. 

Natalie was hungry and sick of hospital food, and she loved Eve's baked creations.

There was an immediate bond and trust between them. 

Before she left out the back door, the actress told Eve she would be back soon. 

Eve gave Nat her cell number and told her she was welcome anytime. The table was hers while she completed her physical therapy.

When she grabbed an Uber back to the hospital, Natalie thought of how good it was to have a regular friend, someone not starstruck. 

Today's visit was the most fun she had in a long time.

Eduardo was cleaning their table when Eve came over and thanked him. He looked at her and started to ask, "Was that..."

She held a single finger to her mouth and said to Eddie, "Remember for your silence."

Eddie smiled, looked at Eve, and nodded.

He knew he had seen that woman somewhere before.

Who would believe she was here at The Cardinal And The Jack?

Los Angeles, California

The death of Charlie Lopez stirred up the television community in L.A. 

A giant shit storm was just starting to boil as news outlets surmised that someone was trying to kill the cast of the 90's television Sit-Com Stanley's Girls. 

First, someone tries to kill little Gina, and then someone kills Jillian.

The public got into it, noting that there were three more of Stanley's daughters to go.

Here is what the public did not know.

Forensics determined the knife wounds that Charlie Lopez received matched the same kind of wounds that Natalie endured in Maine. 

Forensic investigators were over eighty percent sure that the same weapon was used in both crimes.

They were trying to determine if it was the same attacker.

The U.S. Attorney General asked the F.B.I. crime lab to investigate. The current President Of The United States loved Stanley's Girls and wanted the Feds to help.

Also unknown to the public was that a relook into Rollie Archer falling off his horse in Wyoming started. The case is revisited just in case someone missed something about his death. 

The remaining cast was in a panic.

You would think the attacks on Natalie and Charlie would cause sadness, but the truth was something straight out of Hollywood.

The other cast members hated Natalie because she made a significant fortune in the secondary marketplace after the show was canceled.

This good fortune increased when the streaming services picked up Stanley's Girls again.

TXT ALLSTON: Your computer is set up and running perfectly! TXT EVE: What A Day! TXT ALLSTON: I did more than that. TXT EVE: I meant that I had quite a day.

Hollywood is full of seething jealousy, and the cast of Stanley's Girls had each contacted their managers and asked them how they "Missed The Ball" on their contracts with the production company and the networks.

When Natalie got stabbed,  there was nothing but crocodile tears by the cast.

Now that Charlie was dead, the remaining cast was concerned about whether "The Reunion Show," planned for the fall, would occur.

They all needed the money.

No Rollie or Charlie, and to be honest, Natalie did not need the money from the appearance. 

Would she want to appear on the cast reunion with a still-fresh knife wound on her face?

Somewhere On The Coast In New England

When Natalie pulled up, I sat on the Seawall, looking at the waves and Tango, chasing seagulls.

Remember that I am a detective. 

Nat parked and then crossed the street. 

I see she has a bit of urgency in her step, and her bright eyes are brighter if that is possible.

Let me translate before this show starts. She's about to begin twisting my nuts a bit. She's been anticipating the moment that is about to happen.

"Allston! How was your day, honey?"

"Oh not bad. I set up your new computer in your little office so you can keep on track on those days you don't want to go in."

"Love you, Thank You."

That was the opening pleasantries. Her eyes are on fire, and she's getting ready to slay me with something.

"I got us some sandwiches and a few beers," she said.

I got off the wall, hugged her, and kissed her. "Thank You, I'm starving."

Tango came running over when he heard Eve. 

He was very proud of the stick he was holding.  

Eve took the offering and threw it hard toward the ocean. He took off to find it.

"Hey, you don't throw like a girl!" I said.

"My father raised me right." She continued to smile and look at my eyes.

"You're holding onto something big, aren't you?"

"Do you have a special bun in the oven? And I don't mean at the Cardinal."

"No, I don't."  I felt a pause as she looked down.

"I had a perfect day at work today," she said.

"Are you good with us having a guest for dinner later this week?"

"Of course, who's coming?"

"Oh, I want to prep Melinda about all the crap she will endure from my two baker pals in Paris before her trip."

That answer is total B.S. It was prepared and practiced in the car during Eve's ride home. 

I'll bite the hook to see where it goes.

"Oh that's great can you cook some steaks?" Eve said.

"Of course." 

Eve's story just fell apart. 

Melinda is a total PETA Vegan whatchamacallit, and unless she follows the light about protein, she won't be gnawing on anything medium rare.

I'll go along. Eve looks electric about this.