That Coffee Shop Smell

She is a little uneasy that I am working with a billionaire, a sex symbol who has a great sense of humor. - Thomas Allston

Serial Fiction
Trouble And Money - Michael Lee

Somewhere On The New England Coast

"All I can say is that she leaned in and kissed me. ON THE CHEEK, after I cleared a path to her limo."  

"I didn't ask her to do it. It was unexpected."

"But look at the image when you zoom in. Natalie's arms are around you. You look like a loving couple."

She continued, "Read the headline."

Natalie Leuze has a mystery man.  

"Hunk knocks down Photog, then is rewarded."

"Natalie Freaking Idiot Leuze Presser ends in violence."

The articles are in the papers worldwide because Natalie is a step above being a typical celebrity since she got stabbed. I would do it all the same way again. Natalie's movement was restricted on purpose because the press was not satisfied with what she gave them. They wanted more.

When I cut through them, I went straight to the spot where the limo was blocked. My violence was a pretty forceful shove, and one of them went down. One reporter down, and I ushered Natalie right over him and into the limo.

I didn't even think about what happened after that. I mean, Natalie is a client, and at this point, we are friends after many bourbons and a few steaks. A kiss on the cheek would be acceptable, and I know that Eve knows that.

She's twisting my doodads.

I'm trying to see things from her side before I mount my defense. Even though she's smart enough to know what transpired, what does Eve feel?

Let's stack up what could be perceived as a threat to our relationship.

Natalie is brilliant. Eve is brilliant.

Natalie was lusted after by every male viewer of Stanley's Girls, and if I hit that, I would be given some status. I'm sure Eve had a fan club in high school, college, and career. She is no slouch. My ex-wife would hate her if she knew I was with her. She's a beauty with many weapons and skills. I love her.

Of course, Natalie is beautiful. Eve is just as lovely and younger than Natalie.

Natalie is hilarious. Eve, too, is devastatingly funny.

Natalie is most likely worth over a billion dollars. Eve owns a very profitable business, and we have two million dollars buried under our deck. Together, we don't want anything. We have plenty of chips and salsa.

Natalie is single. Eve is in a relationship with yours truly. I think she's happy.

Natalie and I are working together to figure out who stabbed her. Honestly, I know more about Natalie than most people, but I am not even thinking about her in any way other than this being a high-profile case.

I walked over to Eve, who was pulling her bra off after a long day. I looked at her, looked in her eyes, and said. "I'm not going to ruin us, I promise."

"I love us, and most of all, Eve, I love you." 

"I think you know that."

"Plus, Tango would be pissed." "He loves your crotch as much as I do."

Eve started laughing.

The Cardinal And The Jack Coffee Shop And Bakery

Ben Mason scored his favorite table in the shop, which always made him happy. It was near a plug for his computer, and Ben was still a little old-fashioned; the table had room for a blueberry muffin, a large iced coffee, and the Wall Street Journal print edition. Ben had the "hed cut portrait" of himself framed and in his office from the first time he was featured in the WSJ. He was nineteen, and that was a long time ago.

He was taking a chunk of his muffin when a woman approached the table and said, "Hi, Professor Mason." 

Ben looked up and pushed the glasses on his nose up.

He looked at the woman in front of him. She was beautiful, Asian, wearing jeans and a black leather jacket and carrying a messenger bag over her shoulder. She smelled incredibly fresh.

"Yes?" he asked her.

"It's me Lisa, Stooge Block Tanaka, F.B.I."

"We met the other day."

Ben touched his glasses again and almost rubbed his eyes in disbelief. "Miss Tanaka, I am sorry I did not recognize you in a non-official capacity." "You look so different out of the FBI dress code."

She smiled and asked, "If she could join him?"  "And yes, this is unofficial. I live close by and come here almost every day." "I promise you I am not bumping you for information." 

"Then please sit down," Mason said.

Mason continued, "I have a theory about women who like The Three Stooges. They are all talk."

Tanaka smiled and said, "Professor, you can believe what you want, but I love "A Plumbing We Will Go" and "Disorderly In The Court."

" I have the Stooges Bobbleheads in my cube in Chelsea."

"When I was eight, I asked my Mom to give me a "Moe Cut."

Ben thought about this and said, "I bet that was adorable."

"You can skip the Professor thingie and call me Ben." 

"Should I call you Special Agent Tanaka, Lisa, or Tanaka?" 

"Lisa is fine unless we ever end up in bed together, in which case you can call me Special Agent Tanaka."

At that, Mason spit up his drink. He took a napkin off the table and cleaned the coffee off his glasses.

He and Tanaka started laughing, clinking glasses, and discussing emerging market stocks. They stayed for another forty minutes, which felt like two minutes.

From the area near the register, Eve saw Ben and the woman and wondered who she was.

Ben could not wait to talk with Allston about this day. 

On The Coast Of Maine

It was so good to be home! Ricky Riccardo kept running in circles when he saw Nat.

Nat looked at her dog and calculated that he did not suffer in her absence; Ricky looked like he had gained a pound or two.

A waitress from the Bee had been caring for him, and her kids had gotten attached, making Ricky's leaving hard for them. Nat asked Wendy if she could buy them a dog to replace their friend Ricky or if it would be okay for her to drop by occasionally so they could see him.

TEXT NATALIE: Allston, can we meet soon to discuss your progress? I want some peace of mind. I'm a little afraid of being alone here. TEXT ALLSTON: Would you want to stay with Eve and I for a while? I'm sure your dog and Tango would get along.

Wendy thought for a second and declined the offer of a dog. They loved Ricky, of course, but their cat never adjusted to his presence, and she wanted to calm the old boy down.

Natalie thought this all made sense and said she would drop by once in a blue moon.

Natalie wrote Wendy a check out of gratitude for caring for her dog. When Wendy saw the amount, she started crying. "Thank You, Miss Leuze. This is so helpful." "Frank's lobster boat is struggling this year due to weather, shifting climates, and overbearing government regulations. It's been a hard year. Thank you so much." The two hugged, and Natalie said, "We helped each other then. That makes me happy!"

Wendy said, "What happened to you was scary." "We thought you were a goner for sure." "I'm glad you came through; Everyone at the Bee loves you."

"I'll be back there soon for pancakes!" "I'll try to get in your section, and you can tell me how Ricky was while I was gone."

Natalie got back in her car and got ready to attack the phone work. 

It was good to be home.