Talking Heads

About A.I. - We will always have the ability to CNTRL-ALT-DELETE it's electronic ass.- Professor Ben Mason on Deb Gallagher's Show

Trouble And Money
Trouble And Money - Michael Lee

The Set Of A Silicon Valley Financial News Network Show - Los Angeles - Guest: Ben Mason

Ben Mason: "To be clear, Deb, A.I. will certainly have a dark side controlled by men. Will it ever become sentient? Or will it run away in a rogue fashion? Will it turn on mankind?" "I think there will be speed bumps that it will get over collectively, but we will police it. It will become smarter than us, but we will always have the ability to unplug it and CTRL-ALT- DELETE its electronic ass" It's a simple analogy, but it will be there."

As usual, the audience loved Ben Mason and his summaries. He is proven correct nine times out of ten, so he is a popular guest on all these shows.

Deb Gallagher Windsor: "Before we go, I'd just like to ask a personal question, if I may?" "The word on Wall Street and here in Silicon Valley is that you are about to be a father and getting married. Who's the lucky lady?"

Ben Mason was taken by surprise by this question.

Ben Mason: I tip my hat to your sources, Deb, and yes, that is true. At this point, Ben knows he has to protect Lisa's identity due to her job. This outing will change their lives because the press will not stop until they uncover everything. Public access property records will show where the two live, and the names will be clear. Ben thought for half a second and said, "I met Lisa in a coffee shop where she works, and it just blossomed."

The live show then broke into commercials.

Mason TEXT: Hey Evie, I need a huge fast favor por favor!
Eve TXT: What's up?
Mason TEXT: Can we have Lisa work at your shop for a few days? I need to protect her FBI ass. Which is gorgeous, BTW.
Eve TXT: Yes of Course.
Mason TEXT: I'll tell you the whole story tomorrow.

Tijuana, Mexico - Office Of The Agapov Organization

The dinner hour was cranking out cash tonight. The team was yapping about inexpensive dental implants, and the pitch was delicious to many seniors who spend a lot of time gumming fish sandwiches with a senior coffee at The Arches.

A full mouth of implants costs $20,000.00—we put that right up front. After seven days, we take $1000.00 and then charge $200.00 monthly. You have seven days to decide before we charge the card. We begin the dental work after the seven-day period, and it is done in most cases after two days.

We teach the caller to focus on anesthesiology. "Have you ever had problems with  anesthesiology?"

"No? Good, then you qualify."

Their cards are cleared out on the second day, keeping them at The Arches.

This truly is a deal too good to be true. No matter how often a person has heard that screed, they cannot resist a good deal.

We made millions in the TJ office alone in the two weeks of the campaign.


Troy walked near the two aisles of callers as they pitched without pressure. If the marks resisted, the callers were trained to politely say they would move on to the next person who wanted help setting up a FOMO (fear of missing out) attitude, which usually worked.

Troy was particularly proud of this baby. He met Anatoly in the back of the room, and Anatoly was beaming. "Manolo, this is working so well." 

"Sherry tells me someone broke into your house?" 

"Yes, they messed up the house and broke my TV."

Anatoly reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad, saying, "This is from the company to fix the problem. The boss feels bad."

I thanked him as I emotionally thanked Anatoly by giving him a bear hug.

"That is so nice, thank you I said in disbelief."

Later that night, when I counted it at home, I could not believe he had given me four thousand dollars.

I laughed at my own punchline, "I buy my own whores in Barcelona."

Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Home of Mason and Tanaka

Mason was having trouble with Tanaka's anger over the phone. "I have no idea where the question came from," he said, repeating this at least four times to Lisa, who was having none of it. "I was caught off guard." "Trust me, Lisa."

Right after the show's host hit me with it, I tried damage control. I did not say anything about the FBI or your naval status. I started protecting you because they will start scratching. Watch the YouTube clip from the show. It has been shared over two hundred times already.

It would be worse if I resisted and said, "I am keeping this personal." "That would challenge the nut jobs to dig deeper."

Lisa was angry that her undercover status was being compromised. She was mad at Ben but was starting to get rational as he explained.

She wanted a glass of wine but would not allow it during pregnancy. She became more rational and calm.

"I'm sorry, Ben, I lost my cool."

"I'll speak with the boss tomorrow, and he will hack a strategy." I think it's good that you approached Eve; she may be a solution for now.  

"She's a good egg," said Ben.

"Lisa whispered into the phone. "Now that I got angry, I want you."

"Ben said, "Tell me more."

They laughed, and Ben said, "I'll be home in two days. You can make me a latte and bring me a blueberry muffin.

Lisa ended the call with, "I've got your muffin right here, pal." "Love You."