
Ben Mason is in trouble. It's hard to break someone's heart and be cold about it.

Serial Fiction
Trouble And Money - Michael Lee


Brad Falter learned where Natalie Leuze lived by talking with the locals at a General Store near his motel.

"Doesn't some fancy movie star live in this town? I saw it in the Daily Super World Website."

The counter person went on to say, 

"Yep, you must be thinking of Natalie, who used to be on that TV show about Stanley and his daughters." The poor lady got stabbed by a fan at the Bee not too long ago, but she's fine now. They fixed her up real good in Boston."

Brad fished slightly, "I can't believe a Hollywood star lives out here. She must live in a huge mansion with servants, butlers, and a driver. That's what money can get you. Lots of money."

The woman behind the counter piped up, "She's real nice and lives in the old XXX place." 

"It ain't a mansion, but it has a good chunk of land that touches the water." 

"The realtors up here call that the million-dollar view." 

"The ocean is for making a living not looking, Them outsiders never dropped traps"  She went on.

"She's an outsider but lives here year-round." 

"She comes into the store. She's nice. I like her and know all the folks around here like her."

"That's different from the seasonal outsiders; they are real assholes, if you know what I mean—always asking for stupid shit like gluten-free beer, herbal teas, and yoga mats."

"I gotta tell my friends how nice she is," Brad said

I'll tell them, "I didn't see her, but I was in a store she comes in, and you saw her."

"Which house is it? I want to take a picture."

"Everyone knows the house. It's up the road that way, six houses down. That's about 5 miles. You can't miss the red house, gray trim, big barn, and three-car garage. Right after the curve." 

"Thanks for the beer. It was nice to meet you. I can't wait to tell my friends I have met someone who knows a Hollywood star. Incredible."

Heading For Natalie's

We crossed into Maine and started heading for the coast where Natalie lives. By now, Falter has to be in the state, and I'll assume he will try to kill Natalie where she lives. 

We are moving fast, and I keep checking my rearview mirror for flashing lights, but so far, so good. There are pine trees and stands on both sides of this two-lane road where people sell blueberries, honey, and other produce.

The combination of pine and ocean is a clean smell. 

Tango loves it.

I called Natalie. "Allston, park in the garage and turn on the lights when you get to the house. I promise to stay away. "Try not to get any blood in the living room."

Natalie's sense of humor is ever-present. I like that.

"Please update us frequently; Eve is worried."

She's a sweetheart; she's more concerned with Eve than herself.

The GPS on my phone says we are just over an hour away from Natalie's house.

I am thinking about Falter and how I will handle this.

Should  I call the cops? - "Hell no." - I obtained evidence illegally.

I looked up the drug label I took a photo of at Brad's house. He's sick, most likely with lung cancer. 

Does he deserve a gentle Cuff N Stuff treatment?  - Hell no, this guy is a serial killer with blood on his hands.

Tango and I will park in the garage and then close the door.

We will turn on lights everywhere to make it look like someone is home. Then we will wait.

I know he's out there, and I'll assume he's frustrated that nobody has been around.

His time is running out, and Natalie is one of two things on his final bucket list.

He's desperate. 

The Office Of Ben Mason

Laura did not take the news well. It was horrible. They talked briefly, and Ben was honest except for one thing.

He told Laura that he met someone. This is true.

He told Laura that he had slept with Lisa. This is true.

He told Laura that he loved Lisa. This is true.

He told Laura he would stay at an apartment he rented that night while he sorted his mind out. - This was not true. 

All of this was hard for Ben Mason, and now, out of the blue, it was hard for Laura, and it was Ben's fault. He didn't know this was going to happen. 

​Lisa Tanaka was a funny, lively force. He could not stay away even if he tried.

Mature beyond her years, a little life-worn. She had been to sea, survived the Quantico training, and with all of those tickets punched, was down to earth but, better said, earthy and grounded with who she was. Hearing her rattle off movie quotes and laughing gustily at abstract stuff was refreshing. Mason did not want to know where she got to be so good in bed, but he was reaping the rewards. She was all heart in.

She did not once ask about what the FBI was fishing for the day they met in his office.

It was not lost on Ben because the FBI showed up so quickly after the takedown of the Chinese spyware that there must have been a rat on his immediate team.

He would talk to Mason about smoking out a rat.