One Hit Wonder

Kim was gathering her strength when she saw the man dressed in gloves and acting like he knew what he wanted and would do. She had to get out of her house. She was scared and stared into his eyes.

Trouble And Money -100% Serial Fiction - By Michael Lee
Trouble And Money -100% Serial Fiction - By Michael Lee

Weldon Road - Scituate, Massachusetts

Dennis sat in his truck on Weldon Road as he kept an eye on Hannah's home. This was the third night he had parked here and watched her movements. He had a pretty good idea when she would be home. From where Dennis was parked, he could see her driveway in the driver's side mirror.

Dennis thought of the second victim, Kim Reynolds. 

In his opinion, she was the best-looking girl at the table that night, long ago. 

The night he killed her, Dennis determined that she was the best dancer so far and the best lay. 

Her looks had held up all these years, and on that night, Dennis could not contain his urges, but he was careful not to leave anything he could be identified with.

Of course, she was surprised to see him waiting in her kitchen. When Kim started to ask him, "What is he...?" He cold-cocked once and then again because she was slow to go down.

Kim moaned on the tile floor while he took the yard sale cassette player out of his backpack and set it on the counter.  He fiddled with the Fast Forward and Rewind buttons until he had her special song lined up and ready to play for her.

He stood over her and said, "Hey Kim, Wake up!"

He repeated it.

The girl was too slow in responding, so he kicked her in her thighs.

She started moving, saying, "You can take whatever you want; just leave, please."

"I'm not here to rob you, stupid."

Kim was gathering her strength when she saw the man dressed in gloves and acting like he knew what he wanted and would do. She had to get out of her house. She was scared and stared into his eyes.

With great forced composure, she said, "Do you want to have sex?" "Is that it?" "We can do that." "My husband's not home."

Dennis laughed, sneering, "It would have been nice if you had asked me that 32 years ago." "That's when we first met."

Kim ​said, "There must be a mistake; I don't think I know you."

"We have met before. Think about it. You were out one night with Seana, Casey, Hannah, and Petra at a club near your school. I sent a round of drinks to your table, sat with you for a minute, and introduced myself. I asked you if you wanted to dance with me. You looked at me, then your friends, and then you laughed at me."

Kim thought for a second, recalling the evening he talked about; she was now even more scared.

"Believe me, sir, young girls are assholes. I have thought of that night a few times and felt ashamed. You were excellent in buying us all a drink, and I apologize for how I treated you. It was a horrible thing to do." "I meant no harm; we were jerks."

He said, "You were so nice, and I liked our conversation. I hoped we would get to know each other better, like over dinner or something, but instead, you refused and laughed at me." All I wanted to do was dance with you."

Kim thought for a second and said, "We can dance now. Is that okay? We can dance now."

Dennis looked down at her and said, "Let me turn the music on; this was the song playing when I asked you to dance.

She started to stand shakily when he punched the button on the cassette player, and another sappy one-hit wonder from an eighties British rock band began to play.

Dennis approached Kim and put his gloved hands on her waist. She said, "I always loved this song."

He took his hands off her waist, put them around her throat, and squeezed. Like Shauna, Kim kicked and pissed and fought a bit. By the end of her special song, she was dead, and then the fun began for Dennis. They danced together for the whole song and then did other things. Always polite, Dennis wore a condom and made sure to take it with him in a sandwich bag when he left her.

He was thinking about that day when Hannah arrived home and pulled into her driveway.

Somewhere On The Shore - North Of Boston, Massachusetts - The Home Of Allston and Eve

"Allston, this is incredible!" Eve said

"Most respondents knew at least one of the victims, and quite a few did not know them but knew of them. Many said that they knew two of the victims. Two respondents said they knew all three victims: Hanna Caston-Meyers in Scituate, Mass, and Petra Michelle Schultz in Darien, Connecticut."

"Are you up for another day off at the bakery?"

"Are they both teachers at schools?"

"Yes," said Eve

"Can you email each one to let them know we would like to stop by their schools tomorrow morning for less than five minutes?"

"Done!" Eve said

"What do you mean done?"

"I hit send on the email I wrote when you told me what to do."

"Great minds think alike?"

"Something like that," Eve said.