New Management

The new owners employed management techniques that would not work in America. Punching an employee in the stomach for asking questions is not part of any MBA program but should it be? - Thomas Allston

Serial Fiction
Trouble And Money - Michael Lee

Tijuana Mexico

There were never any brainstorming sessions about what might work next.  The people on the phones just executed a plan passed down from somewhere deep in Russia.

Somedays, a caller's hundred-odd phone calls were designed to elicit one tiny piece of information from each person who answered their phone. 

We called and posed as bank employees.

Troy Manolo: Hi Steve, "I'm sorry, someone just tried to use your Bank Of Scotland credit card at a gas station in London. Are you in London?"

Respondent: It can't be me. I'm in Oklahoma, and I use Capital Seven Bank.

Troy Manolo: So sorry to bother you then, Thank You.

The Agapov Organization needed only the bank that Steve used. They knew who Steve was, and they knew his address and home city. This one piece of information, the name of Steve's bank, was added to a file all about Steve in Oklahoma.

The Agapov Organization bought information from sources on the dark web that stole wholesale information about people. 

The "Steve from Oklahoma" file grew as all the other pieces were added. 

A data breach, or, better said, a theft of data from a gas company, may have once provided Steve's address and phone number.

Everything that could be found in the "Big Data World" could be compiled and assembled, leaving the Agapov Organization with a big profile about Steve, 

When the time came, they could easily strip all his accounts of cash.

It was about patience with Nikolai Agapov.

This patience is what made the Agapov Organization dangerous.

They built profiles of millions of people piece by piece, either by buying information or gathering it in small pieces. Not too many times did they pressure people and "Feel like a scam" to the people who answered the phone or replied to texts or emails.

Nikolai Agapov used to stress to his managers that "Going slow and not stressing the respondents, using patience was the key." 

"We are not Nigerian Princes who need someone to go to a store right now to buy gift cards."

Nikolai always laughed heartily when he brought up Nigerian Royalty Scams and how people used to fall for them.

Nikolai was a smart businessman. He paid people well to reduce employee turnover and focus on making more money tomorrow.

Things were different now.

The employees in the call center in Tijuana were starting to feel the effects of a new management company and the new policies they enacted.

Today, each of the seven callers was given one assignment.

Find out the name of the bank that each target uses. A script was designed, and each team member was given a list to call.

As each call was made, some information was added to the computer.

This was an easy assignment for the call center, and each person who hit their quota of responses normally would collect a thousand dollars in cash as they walked out the door at the end of the day.

The new management looked at this assignment differently. "They need one piece of information." 

The new pay rate for a full day like this amounted to each person being paid $100.00 per day, far below what the workers were used to.

After a week, the attrition started, and the new managers went to my supervisor and angrily asked him what was happening.

I watched my supervisor, Javier, get yelled at and berated by a new manager with a pistol in his waistband. 

The manager arrived earlier in the week and replaced one who had been with this unit for over a year.

"You must make them come to work." 

Javier tried to explain that the workforce responded to money. They would not work for less.  They would work in places close to their homes rather than crossing the border daily for a small amount.

The Russian School Of Business Management responded by punching Javier in the stomach and telling him, "You make them work more."

A week later, the crew of seven skilled workers had dwindled down to two, yours' truly and a flea-bitten crack addict who needed cash every day.

Javier tried again to explain what kept things moving smoothly for the best results.

Three days later, he was found shot to death behind a strip club that Gringos from the American Navy frequented.

My chances of getting a promotion were looking good. Maybe I'll wear a suit tomorrow.

I filed a report with my handler in Chelsea, and I received a reply: "Be Careful."

Somewhere On The Coast In New England - 0430

Tango chased gulls while Eve sat on the seawall, drinking coffee and watching the pooch. She answered her phone as it peeped.

"Allston, thank god you called; it's been a few days."

"Evie, how are you, hon? 

"Things are well. Tango comes to the shop with me each day, and I think he's gaining weight. I see Ben and Lisa every day in the shop, and I always say hello for you." "I miss you, and honestly, I wish we could speak more." 

"I understand, and believe me, Eve, I miss you two so much."

"I'm getting close to being in a situation where my background will be investigated." If my cover holds up, you won't hear from anyone asking about me, but if something is leaky, you may get a call out of the blue from someone asking about me." "Keep an eye out for anything unusual."  "I will only call you on this number and I'll try to call more."

"I could use your smile and a hug right now," Eve said.

"I'm going to try to come home for a weekend soon. It will have to be a quick trip. The company I work for does not like people who take days off".

"Oh, Allston, that would be awesome, even if it is only one day." "If you can slip me a clue, I can get Melinda to watch the shop." "We can go for Mexican, and you can pay me back the margaritas you owe me for saving your life that time."

I never thought I would ever get tired of Mexican Food, but I'm getting close. 

"I miss you, Evie, I miss home. Please give Tango a hug."

"Hey, does Ben look like he's getting any?" "I'm jealous."

"Those two are lost in their own little world, Allston. They chatter like chipmunks and finish each other's sentences."

"What's she like, Evie?"

"It's hard not to like her. She's not quite Natalie Leuze funny, but she will make you laugh. and Ben is very happy." "Oh, and she's very smart."


"Evie, have a good day, and I'll see you soon. I gotta go get some sleep."

As they hung up, Eve wondered where Allston was, where he was just getting to bed.

San Diego, California - Troy Manolo's apartment.

Allston found a bargain apartment owned by a Marine Gunny deployed with an amphibious assault group. It was perfect for what he needed for these reasons.

It was a bit run down and in a bad neighborhood. This would hold his cover-up.

There was a convenience store nearby for his Zero Four Thirty Habit.

It was close enough to the shore for morning runs.

Allston could see all the activity in the parking lot, which was fine with him.

Troy Manolo had a cheap apartment he could afford no matter what Mother Russia paid him.