Kim, The Second Victim

What was clear was that this 53-year-old victim was most likely held up vertically and dragged across the kitchen floor. There were black scuff marks on the floor in the kitchen from Kim's shoes. 

100% Serial Fiction by Michael Lee
Trouble And Money - 100% Serial Fiction by Michael Lee

Cambridge, Massachusetts

The second victim added more to the overall case for its audaciousness since the murder took place during the daytime. Kim packed a lunch for her husband and kissed him goodbye as he left for work on a Tuesday.

When he came home at five, Kim was dead on the kitchen floor, utterly naked except for a pair of shoes.

On the counter was an old cassette player with a copy of the same tape in a cassette player at Shauna's house and the third victim's.

I got the crime scene descriptions from my friend, Police Chief Ron Strier, who was in the loop with other municipal police departments.

It is unclear whether the Cambridge victim, Kim, was sexually violated. They are still waiting for some test results to come back.

What was clear was that this 53-year-old victim was most likely held up vertically and dragged across the kitchen floor. According to Forensics, there were black scuff marks on the floor in the kitchen from Kim's shoes. 

The patterns on the floor were circular and connected. She was dragged from circle to circle.

She, too, was strangled violently, and it was assumed that it was done with gloved hands.

Both these case elements require amazing strength.

If Kim's feet were dragging, she was dead weight, and someone held her up. Circle mark, slide—all over the kitchen.

The brute strength it takes to choke someone to death while they are alive is enormous. It's a tricky thing to do.

I assume that he choked her and kept her quiet while he did it. There was no DNA under Kim's nails, which means she was thoroughly, immediately subdued. There was no time for her to fight.

Choking is one thing, but what's up with the scuff marks?

Was our perp dancing in the kitchen with the dead? Was he playing the music on the tape while he controlled her dead weight around the kitchen? This requires strength.

I'll have to ask Strier a few more questions.

Question one: Was there a pair of shoes in the first victim's house, Shauna's, and scuff marks on the floor?

Question two. What was the music on the tape?

If Strier started asking other police chiefs questions about their cases, he would look like a nosy prick. How generous are the three Police Chiefs with each other? Then there is the F.B.I.

About Kim.. her maiden name was Reynolds.

Kim graduated from HFAC a year after the other two victims. She came to Boston from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and was destined to be a teacher.

The school yearbook has an index of where photos of each student is in the book, and on page 47, there is a photo of a “Friday Smores” party in Abernathy, and this photo is vital. All three victims are in this one photo.

It’s safe to say that they knew each other back in the day,

This is a fantastic find.

A few craft clubs, a computer club, and a student guide. She gave tours of the campus to prospective students.

Cambridge, where she lived, is across the river from Boston. Kim’s house and Eve’s Bakery are less than two miles apart.

I’ll see if Eve knows her later on.

When she died, Kim was teaching in the Belmont, Massachusetts, school system. Unlike Shauna, Kim followed the money. She started teaching in the inner city for meager pay and developed a reputation as a solid educator. She had a knack for holding students' attention and passing on life skills.

She started getting state accolades and a high ranking by national agencies.

There were a few flattering articles about her in newspapers.

She moved to a suburban school system and worked there for a few years, teaching English and coaching women's track.

Her work in the after-school athletic programs and her education accolades got her noticed by the ritzy suburb of Belmont. 

Moving to this school was like hitting the jackpot.

Her wedding announcement was in the local OshKosh papers, and the wedding and reception took place at a hunting lodge in Wisconsin.

Kim and her husband, a defense contractor engineer, lived comfortably, having two girls along the way.

There were no grandkids yet. One of their two girls was away in college (Stanford)  when her mother was killed. The other daughter lived in Corvallis, Oregon, and is a teacher like her mom.

Here are some interesting things about Kim.

She was stunningly beautiful and, by every measure, was a good person. I have never seen as many online condolences about someone in any other obit.

I took note of a few people I will speak to.

Did her husband do this? 

No, Mr. Risqua was shown to be solidly at work that day, developing new push-button ways to kill people. 

He is grieving very much. His phone, watch, and company key card had him onsite all day. 

The heart rhythm data from his watch was never interrupted and never elevated in the morning when it was determined when Kim was killed.

What is the meaning of the tape player that has five songs?

What is the meaning of the scuff marks on the floor?

You can see that I am at a disadvantage compared to how the three jurisdictions can investigate.

So, I have a lucky photo that shows the three victims together in a shared residence at the same college.

I still feel like I am ahead of three police departments.

Cambridge, Massachusetts

ALLSTON TEXT TO RON STRIER: Hey, Strier! Have I told you how good-looking you are today? RON STRIER: At 1400, bring 12 Blueberry Muffins to the park by the station.

ALLSTON TEXT TO EVE: Hey Evie! Have I told you how good-looking you are today? EVE TEXT TO ALLSTON: How many muffins?