Killing Type?

Petra was being covered by the CSP (Connecticut State Police), and if we took Denny Boy, The Mixtape Killer, either tonight or tomorrow, Petra could return to work on Monday.

Trouble And Money By Michael Lee
Trouble And Money By Michael Lee

New England Regional F.B.I. Headquarters - Chelsea, Massachusetts

By 1300 S.A., Lisa Tanaka, F.B.I., had learned quite a bit about suspect Dennis Mendocino. He grew up semi-rural in Virginia and seemed to have a happy life.

Special agents Winward and Jefferson's report, based on an interview with the suspect's sister, Melaine Saunderson, described a happy upbringing with bikes, friends, and video games. Melanie added that he was outstanding in school, spent more time studying than most kids, and was a little nerdy. 

She also added that he did not attend school functions in middle or high school. She believed that her brother's sexual orientation was straight because he could never stop talking about Natalie Freaking Leuze from the television show Stanley's Girls.

Like every teenage boy, he had "The Poster" in his room. He also liked Kelly Lebrock from the movie Weird Science. She thought it was weird that he had never paired up in high school for prom or other functions. All his friends were on relationship paths by junior year.

Dennis kept studying, attending Jui Jitsu class, and looking for interesting rocks.  

Melanie thought he was painfully shy with girls but figured he would grow out of it. She added, "He's smart, pretty funny, and not bad-looking with his height."

She added, "I don't know what you think he's done, but I'm sure it's not him." "He loves his career, the world travels it offers, and the level he has attained. "He's a great uncle to our kids." "They love him."

Moose Saunderson had a few things to offer about his brother-in-law: "He hated watching sports, but he liked watching "Men in Tights" jumping off the top rope in wrestling." Moose added, "that his brother-in-law never had a girlfriend he knew about."

Tanaka smiled when she read this comment about wrestling.

Tanaka followed Dennis Medocino's career, marked by hard work, extensive travel, and regular promotions.

She then flagged the names of his co-workers to speak with after the takedown.

He was a clean skin. There were no arrests, and there was one speeding ticket years ago. 

His life's constants were work, Jui Jitsu, and travel for work.

Lisa Tanaka would meet with S.A.I.C. Hughes in ten minutes to summarize her findings about his life, job, and where he lived.

Somewhere on the Coast - The Home Of Thomas Allston And Evelyn Crowder.

"Evie, Strier was a little miffed that I did not show up with some blueberry goodies." Eve heard this and shot back with, "You mean muffed?" "No, that's the point; he was not "muffed." "He had no muffins."

Eve knew what he meant, but she loved screwing with Allston; sometimes, it was just too easy to waltz him around.

"So, what's going on with our wedding, Evie?"

​"I'm waiting until after Ben and Lisa's wedding, and then I'll start the serious planning."

"Are you okay with a small wedding in Tennesee at Daddy's horse farm"?

"Just tell me what to wear, where to go, and when to be there, and I'll be good to go."

"Is Tango invited?"

"He better go. I already bought him a bowtie."

New England Regional F.B.I. Headquarters - Chelsea, Massachusetts

Wallace Hughes was considering assembling a team to take down Dennis Mendocino tonight at his condo in Stamford, Connecticut.

In his building, there were three units on each floor, and the Mendocino unit was on the top floor.

They would have to get the neighbors out first.

There was a lot to consider, but this guy has killed four times, and he needed to be stopped.

Petra was being covered by the CSP (Connecticut State Police), and if we took Denny Boy, The Mixtape Killer, either tonight or tomorrow, Petra could return to work on Monday.

Tanaka's report was thorough, and Wally thought she had a way of finding things that most people overlook.

Her wedding was a week from today.

He and Natalie Freaking Leuze were supposed to attend together, but now he was not so sure about that.

Life moves fast, thought Wally.

Wally punched a button on his intercom and spoke with Jim Baltzer. "Jim, I need a strike team assembled to go in one hour with air transit and then ground transit near the wheels down point in Stamford, Connecticut. We will need coordination with the C.S.P. and the local force in the Stamford Police Department. I'll email you the address. Stress the need for "quiet as a cat treatment."

"We need this fuck in jail by 1900 so I can watch the second half of the Notre Dame game."

​"Call me the minute you know when we roll."

He hit another button and said, "Great work, Tanaka." "I don't want you taking part in the takedown, but do you want to ride in as an observer away from the action?

Lisa thought about this, and she knew at this stage in her pregnancy, she should not be getting violently physical.

"Can I work with Comms at the ranch as we coordinate and strike?"

Wally said, "Deal." 

He said, "Watch how Kelly works the boards and screens closely, and I'll put the stripes on you for the next takedown." 

"Deal," said Tanaka

She thought to herself, "I love working with Wally!"

Wally then made a "pension retention " phone call to one of his three thousand bosses.

"Hey Crip How are you?"

Stuart "Mandolin" Moser started laughing when he heard Wally.

Wally was the only man who could get away with calling him by his Marine nickname Crip.

Stu had lost both legs from the knee down after a nasty encounter with an improvised explosive device in Fallujah.

"Stu, is it alright with you if I assemble a team to take down a serial killer pervert?"

"Are we talking about "The Mixtape" guy? "The Dancer who brings his own music to the party?"

"Are you jealous that the guy can dance?" Wally asked

Stu laughed hard at this slammie and had tears in his eyes.

"Hey Wally, don't you remember the spin moves I laid down with my chair at last year's "Holiday Party?"

"Will you bring Natalie Leuze to this year's Holiday Bullshit Party that has no booze? Stu asked. "There are a couple of things I like about her."

Wally started laughing at this remark.

"So, Stu, do I get a thumbs up?"

"Please don't fuck this up, Wallace. Your fast work will make the F.B.I. look better than it has in a while."

"I had a little help from a Civilian..."

"The guy from the Russian Immersion Case?"

"That's the guy," Wally said

"If you screw this up, I'll hire him as your replacement."

Wally started laughing and his parting words were "Thank You, I'll keep you posted."