It Was Just Business, All of It.

If I am correct, we will find something that will shock most Americans. - Thomas Allston

It Was Just Business, All of It.
Trouble And Money - Michael Lee

​Stamford, Connecticut

They handled him differently than how he thought they would. When they took him from his home in Connecticut, his wife didn't cry or offer any kind words to him. This was business, and The State had to see her being loyal to them.  

Did she love him enough to get her father to help him? Bao doubted this with all his heart. It was always a business decision. Made by Beijing,

They gave him a moment to say goodbye to his children, and he told them he would be back. Their mother looked at them hard when he hugged them. 

As he walked from the kitchen to the front door, the reality of the situation sunk in, even though he had a few dreadful days, knowing this day would come. Bao did not handle it the way he wanted. He was scared and shaking hard. The two M.S.S. dirty workmen walked him to a waiting car. 

Yeung Bao had brought shame to himself, his family, and China despite destroying the computer. There were now three dead contractors and one wounded. The wounded man did not know much, but the Americans figured out that his loyalty was to China. It will be considered an embarrassment to the Chairman.

But will they learn about the intricate parts of the plan?

Yeung Bao started to calculate like the manager he was. All three of the partners at Welch, Lemerise, and Tanner were now dead. Tanner was executed in his home, and Lemerise was executed and buried at the construction site when it was completed. Welch stayed honorable and shot himself when the American F.B.I. arrived at his home.

As far as Bao knew, no loose ends could reveal the location or purpose of the base.

Maybe he had something to bargain with? Should he reveal to the interrogators in pieces to prolong things?

The car headed for J.F.K. airport while Yeung Bao said his goodbyes to America. Soon, he would be in China, and for once in his life, Yueng Bao felt a love for America. It had been good to him.

Stratham New Hampshire

Ron Strier was in one heck of a hot seat as the local representative to the investigation that was now exploding to an International level. He was hearing it all, and the rumors were hard to keep up with.

Russians, Afghanis, Chinese, and multiple murders all related to a business based in his little community.

Hundreds of people from Washington and Chelsea descended on his patch, and a few were paying attention to the ancient cop protocols about checking in with him, but most were not. At some point yesterday, he was not the official scribe anymore.

Strier picked up his phone and had his digital assistant do his dirty work. "Hey, Siri, Call "That Asshole"  Siri came back saying, "Calling that asshole." 

Funny Strier thought, Allston's phone went straight to voice mail.

Ron was getting caught up in the nuances of the investigation as soon as they found Welch slumped over the hood of his car in his garage with half his head gone. What the hell is going on? His little town has recently experienced multiple homicides., a dead Russian Commando, and now a prominent town resident gooed all over his candy apple red Jaguar. He left no note, but Strier recalled Allston saying that Welch "looked scared and that he was hiding something." 

"Where the fuck is Allston?" Strier called Allston again with the same result.

Upstate New Hampshire

About two miles after the chained gate off the highway, Allston kissed Eve, lightly pinched her on "Her Spot," and watched her and Tango enter the woods. She had a small pack, a Glock pistol, a G.P.S. track mate, and a walkie-talkie. As she melted into the trees, I told her, "Remember, go slow and look for cameras, and I'll meet you where we agreed."  As she went deep, Allston thought Eve's confidence was incredible.

I then drove back two miles toward the gate and past it for about another mile. I parked the truck in a closed tractor sales lot's parking lot. 

I walked back up toward the gate and went into the trees. I clicked my walkie-talkie, and Eve clicked back.

We should run into each other in less than an hour.

​Walking on the road that the gate was on would have been a big mistake. I continued forward and stopped every hundred feet to listen hard. Eve said she would do the same.

This was going to be interesting.