How Do You Repair Bullet Holes In A Trailer Home?

All this trouble for a computer? Now I must know what's in it. - Allston

Trouble And Money
Trouble And Money S1E13

Somewhere On The Coast Of New England

Aabid was calling the shots for the team and acting as an overwatch in case the target somehow made it out of the trailer home. This was an American tactic he learned in Afghanistan.  

The orders he had received from his friends were clear. There were no expected deviations, but they must return with the package.  

SC1 (Shotcaller) was about fifteen feet up a bare tree on a hunter's perch. The tree was on an adjacent property to the target house. From this position, he could see both entrances to the target house. It was still dark outside, but soon it would be light. Aabid looked east over the ocean and saw the beginnings of the daylight. The operation needed to be over before it became light.

They will strike after the man leaves with the dog.

Aabid thought about dogs and how their presence in his home village of Ak Toba was significant. Dogs heard helicopters and trucks earlier than the villagers. This gave the men time to disappear or hide weapons. The stories Aabid heard about The Russians from his uncles when he was growing up often included stories about good dogs who warned them early as Ivan approached by air or truck.

At 4:20 A.M., the bathroom light in the trailer came on. Aabid clicked his radio and alerted the other two, who tensed at the sound. Abas and Abdul got ready at the sound of the click.

SC1 whispered into his microphone, "Remember, stay covered when he comes out; go only when I say go." He knew that from the time the target left the house, went down the driveway, and then down the road, it would feel like forever.

A minute later, Aabid saw a single light above the deck door come on, and the dog on a leash led the man down the driveway and then down the road. 

SC1: "Hold"

Aabid looked at his watch and started to time things. They needed to hold for five minutes. This would feel like forever. He stayed focused on the house and noticed the smell of the ocean and the breeze. It was still dark. He kept watching the house. The one thing Aabid always admired about the Americans was the planning and patience they exhibited during an operation. 

With 30 seconds remaining, Aabid whispered into the microphone. "Get in position."

At this command, two figures rose and went over a two-foot stone border wall. They sprinted silently, going to the deck entrance and the other to the far-end entrance.  

Each clicked their radio twice when they were in position.

SC1 looked down the driveway and then down the road. He whispered, "God is Great," and said, "Go."