Dreams of Blueberry Muffins Were In Her Head Before The Door Kickers Arrived

I can handle the ones that come inside. It's the guy in the tree that's got me worried. - Allston

Serial Fiction

Somewhere On The Coast Of New England

My dog Tango just paid me back for all the treats I shove his way. He quietly nuzzled me much earlier than the usual time. Eve is sleeping contentedly beside me, dreaming of me or a new way to bake blueberry muffins. I try to go back to sleep, but the dog pushes his cold nose into my face and growls just a bit. Okay, what's up, T, I think to myself. 

I lay there and listened. I don't hear anything. Eve snores lightly, but suddenly, a tiny red light dot appears on a wall on the far side of the room. It was on for a second, and then it was gone.

Red dots are trouble. Since we are not in India, this one dot was not welcome. Someone outside my home just sighted a rifle from an elevated spot into my home. 

I quickly woke Eve up and tried to relay that she had to keep quiet and move fast. She understood the gravity of the situation and slid off the bed to the floor without standing. Tango was lightly growling at this point.

They are coming.

"I whispered to Eve, "Do not stand up whatever you do."  "I'm scared Allston"

I said, "It's about to get scarier." I then repeated " "Do not stand up."

I had to center myself to shoot at the two entrances in the trailer. The first, or main door, was on the long side of the tin can off the deck. It's the main entrance. I'm situated in the bed to hit that door. The second door down the hall was hardly used, but it was on one of the trailer's ends with its little deck. I need to crawl about 15 feet to the hall, where I will be able to see both doors at the same time.

I can handle the intruders when they come in, but I know they will have a backup outside because I saw a scope light. That's a little trickier.

It will come hard and fast using tactics the U.S. Army Rangers developed and perfected by the U.S. Navy. Door kickers train to hit when the people in a home are sleeping and will be confused by the sudden sounds of hell. The door kickers take advantage of that moment of confusion, and most of the sleeping targets end up dead.

Making the crawl to a better position is easy, and I estimate where the overwatch sniper must be. I have my Glock and two clips, and Eve knows another is under the bed.

I whisper to Eve, "Get ready," and I hear her chamber a round. Isn't that cute? We have our own language of clicks. We spoke with each other for a couple of minutes, and Eve started laughing. I have a special way of cracking her up.

Find yourself a Tennessee woman if you don't already have one. She's a real Lady Vol.

And then we wait.