
She was right-handed and saw the large cast iron skillet on the rack above the island. It was on the side that he was on, and she also knew that the drawer of knives was on that side.

100% Serial Fiction - Trouble And Money by Michael Lee
100% Serial Fiction - Trouble And Money by Michael Lee

Stamford, Connecticut - The Condominium Of Dennis Mendocino

Dennis could not stop thinking about killing Hannah Meyers. She was different from the others right from the start. Unlike the others, Hannah sprung into action when she saw him in her kitchen. The question that Dennis had been thinking hard about for a day now was this; Was he, Dennis Medocino, Super Nerd getting cocky and confident about dating for the first time in his life? 

He was gaining a cockiness, a sureness, confidence.

On this date, Dennis applied the knowledge he had gained from his first three dates and approached Hannah with a bit of swagger. 

Instead of being surprised from behind, he would let Hannah see him first and then control the date.

She saw him deftly setting up the fourth-yard sale cassette player when she entered her kitchen.

Scituate, Massachusets - The Home Of Hannah Caston Meyers 

Dennis turned around, looked at her as she entered her kitchen, and said, "Hello, Hannah."

Hannah's first thought was, "Did I have someone coming over today to work on the sink clog?"

She remembered receiving the email form and a call from a Private Investigator. She did some quick reasoning and recalled that three people she knew were now dead, and she did not waste any more time.

The large kitchen island stood between him and her. She thought about turning her back and running but did not think she could escape out the front door before he caught up with her.

Dennis had expected her to run, and he was surprised when she stood firm on the other side of the island. 

"Oh, you want to play Chase Me - Catch Me like we are newlyweds?" "Let's Play"

As he moved toward one end of the island, she kept it between them and was now on the side he started on.

She saw the cassette player on the counter and said, "What's this shit?" 

She never took her eyes off him when she yanked the player from a cord and threw it at him.

Dennis was stunned by this move. 

"It's not shit," he stammered. "I am going to play our song for us."

"Our song?" " "I don't know you. You sick fuck"

"We met many years ago at a bar near your school, that place everyone goes to before the baseball games."

"Okay, asshole, so we met." "Here is how insignificant you are; I don't remember you." 

This stopped Dennis from where he stood.

Hannah watched him and thought that, for a second, his facial expression changed, and his eyes looked different.

​She is different, he thought. The others remembered me.

Hannah saw the change in him and remembered him from that night, but she would not give him satisfaction.

She could have gone around the kitchen island all night, but she decided to go down and fight. She was now on the far side, which offered the option to run.

Wounding him and then running made more sense to her. She needed to be on the side he was now on, where he was when she came into the kitchen.

She was right-handed and saw the large cast iron skillet on the rack above the island. It was on the side that he was on, and she also knew that the drawer of knives was on that side.

"You pussy, are you still "butt hurt" from an insult many years ago?" 

She could see that he was getting angry.

She started planning her move. She would have to grab the frying pan handle with her right hand and lift it off the hook while pulling a knife out of the drawer with her left hand.

She figured he would start coming closer when he saw her going for the skillet. Maybe he would not see the knife?

She planned the move and was ready to execute it.  The key to it all was to grab a large knife, but she didn't have time to be choosy. 

Hannah started moving toward the end of the island like she was going to run.

He took the bait and started moving toward the side of the island she was on.  She crossed around, reached up with her right hand, and pulled the frying pan off the hook. She used her left hand and pulled the first knife handle she came to.

As he came around the island, he looked at the frying pan in her right hand. With her weak hand, she thrust the knife he never saw into his side. Out of all the knives in the drawer, her hand encountered not the large chopping knife or the cleaver but only a steak knife.

She wounded him once, and he stopped and looked at the knife handle now protruding on his left side. While he tried to comprehend what just happened, Hannah swung the skillet, hitting him on the side of the head close to his eye.

He staggered back and was dizzy for a quick second.

Hannah then made a move that ensured her death.

Instead of turning and running for the house's front door, she went for the slider doors off the dining room.

He caught her as she fumbled unsuccessfully with the latch that locked the doors. 

Stamford, Connecticut - The Condominium Of Dennis Mendocino

He decided not to fail even at that point. With the knife, Hannah stabbed him with still in his side, he dragged Hannah to the kitchen. He attempted to play the cassette in the player he brought, but Hannah damaged it enough that it did not work.

He lifted her choked self up and started to sing, "We're talking away. I don't know what I'm to say; I'll say it anyway."  He was getting dizzy from losing blood where he was stabbed, so he never got to the "take me on" part from the hit by Aha. 

He grabbed his bag and walked out the front door with the knife still in his side..